16 Ben Bergel Interview By JooHyuck Lee (I found this article in an unpublished issue of Nothing and don't understand why it was never used in a published issue. You should know this stuff. -- ed.) N: Nothing Magazine B: Ben Bergel N Q: How long have you been playing squash? B A: 10 years. N Q: What got you into squash? B A: When I was a year and a half, I broke a mirror with a squash racket, and I always followed my parents to squash. Also, since I was a junior (about 6), I had a person, my father's friend, who I wanted to beat in squash. So my father told me to practice, and I started to like it. N Q: Why not another sport? B A: I played football, tennis, judo, but they didn't really feel fast like squash does. and squash is a sport which is the most physically demanding sport. N Q: What keeps you motivated to continue practicing? B A: Currently, I'm motivated because I want to beat the fastest ball speed, and I also want to play with the top players. Rivalry is another factor. N Q: What are your biggest accomplishments in squash? B A: our team was the Czech champions three times so far in junior, and the third fastest ball speed around the world (unofficial). N Q: Are you on a special diet to stay in shape? B A: Kind of, I eat a lot, and I also try to eat a lot, avoiding the junk food. I don't really have specific diet. N Q: Favorite food? B A: Schnitzel with potato salad from my grandma. N Q: Favorite procrastination excuse? B A: I have two. Come on, I do IB I'm hungry, I'm tired. N Q: Favorite musical artist? B A: Ed Sheeran, Kygo, Linkin Park, and The Script. N Q: Favorite subject? B A: PE and Economics. N Q: what 3 things would you take with you during a zombie apocalypse, and why? B A: A knife for everything, a water bottle for water, and duct tape is everything.