(Fun?) Facts The original slogan was, "... but there's always something!" I never liked that because it defeated the purpose of the name of the magazine, which many people feared was too nihilistic (it isn't, it's optimism incarnate). I discovered one day that Eva always wanted to have a magazine called Crispy. I immediately liked it better. As tribute to her when she left, we changed the slogan to "It's so crispy!" That's her handwriting there on the cover, so she'll always be a part of every issue. I wanted a permanent tribute to every editor to be left on every cover. Kristian gave us the name and product; Eva gave us the slogan; Marek gave us the font and layout. After Ameya left, there was supposed to be a rendering of his amazing hair around the O in Nothing, but the new crew never created it (we got something better for this issue, though!). For Adam, I would paint the small legs of the Ns in Nothing like those weird red plaid pants he's so fond of wearing. But there's no one left to make that happen. The original Dr Halls was Mr Taylor. Over time, Dr Halls was also Ms Micková and Ms Janis. Mr Kilduff was Mr Halls. We discontinued it when one of our doctors got so mean it actually wasn't funny... well, that, and no one ever sent us questions. And often the teachers would never give us their replies to the questions we did have! Turns out, getting teachers to do their homework is just as difficult as getting students to do anything... The 2017-18 crew was one of the largest and most active we ever had -- yet they only produced one issue. I wonder where all those articles they wrote and interviews they did went... After the first issue was published, about half the people who were excited about working on the magazine disappeared from us forever. Even the Editor-in-Chief went AWOL on us, and just three or four of us did that second issue together. It turns out, it's hard work putting a magazine together.... which is why no one is working on it anymore, I guess... This font belongs to us. I don't know what its name is. Marek designed it from scratch. You won't find it anywhere else in the world. We used to decorate it for different seasons, but knowledge of how to do that left with Marek. It still feels good to have something completely unique like that. Every time I see it I smile and feel a twinge of pride. It's ours. The new GDPR rules have made it nearly impossible to publish this issue, and all past issues have been unpublished, so unless you still have them downloaded on your mobile device, they are now impossible to get and might be super rare collector's items worth tens and tens of halers!