Hall of Fame Sometimes it seems like hundreds of people worked on Nothing at one time or another, but the fact is that about ten people over eight years really did all the heavy lifting. Many came and went, and they are memorialized in past issues and their names are imprinted on the Ghosts page. Not including past editors, the people here -- what can I say? without them, none of this would ever have happened or been kept alive. We worked hard and had good times, and to them, I offer a salute, a tip of the hat, a toast, and a thank you that can never be big enough. Ghosts Romis Tung Truong Romis created the first few years of issues on his own computer back when we did everything via pdf, before Triobo, before the app. Before "apps" were a thing people talked about regularly. He worked alone or with Betty, because we couldn't share the document. "Clouds" hadn't yet come into being. He put it all together. Those original issues still look more magazinely than anything we ever did, and that's all him. He gave us an identity we were proud of. When he left, so did that look. Romis! Thank you. Betty Lištvanová I'll never forget the time Betty found me at the ISO (this was before TOIS) Garden Party, back when we used to have the end-of-the-year gathering in the garden of what is now the Early Years Program but back then was just more classrooms. Last day of school. Everyone's gone. Teachers are cashed out. She and I sat on a random couch with a couple of drinks and a lot of laughs and spent about four hours hammering out that last issue together. Published hours after the final bell would have rung if we had bells. Betty was determined to see it through when no one else cared, and that was one of my favorite memories as a teacher at this school. Betty! Good times, those were. A toast and a salute to you!