Nothing in the World by Adéla Sobotková As Robert Frost would say, "nothing gold can stay." And so it seems that the golden days of Nothing are also over, as we are putting together this final issue. Or are they…? Wait a second… if Nothing gold can stay, it seems like this superb magazine is actually the only thing in the world that can stay gold forever, to infinity and beyond! I was starting to get gloomy about the prospect of burying this student project, saying one last goodbye and then watching it disappear. But I’m more relaxed now. After all, Mr Frost was a renowned poet, and if he said Nothing would stay gold, it must be true. It may be lying asleep for a while, but one day, one student will get excited about starting it all over again and the glory days of Nothing will return. So, nostalgia needed. In this issue again, we are asking random students and teachers one question. There’s just one difference--since I’m far away and can’t walk the halls of ISO, I asked some of the former students and teachers instead. They are now spread all over the world, but they were super excited to talk about high-school stuff and contribute for this thing, for which I’m extremely grateful. Thank you! Here you go. Can you guess the question? Kristian Csepcsar, Prague Oh, Mr Helebrant is a legend. His cool attitude, the no bulls**t approach… Much respect. He was always the cool and fair guy that we (me and my bros) wanted to be one day. This goes hand in hand with Ms Helebrantová as “behind every great man look for a great woman”. Also a shout-out to Ms Gitana -- I was a bit scared of her during high school, but man, she actually taught me stuff as I look back. I could go on but I would get too sentimental. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Gitana Chunyo, Olomouc Phil Corkill! He was my mentor when I was a new teacher. Mentoring is hard work, you know? He had absolutely saintly reserves of patience for me and my questions, and he had a lovely understated approach that helped me to gain confidence in my abilities. I have lots of fond memories of my colleagues at ISO, but working with Phil in those early years was key!