2 Who is Ms Divišová? Nothing has always tried to bring the teachers a little closer to you, so here's another one. What smell always takes you back to your childhood? I'm the kind of person who would never refuse a piece of cake or anything sweet. Having said that, I would have to go for the smell of freshly-baked ‘bábovka’. When I was living in Spain and felt homesick, I would prepare myself this typical Czech cake and it would fill the house with the smell of home--the smell of my childhood. Where in Ostrava do you most like to be? Anywhere as long as my family, friends and good music are around. What subject did you like the least when you were in high school, and what is the most useful thing you learned from that subject? My least favourite subject at school was definitely P.E. because the way P.E was taught in my school was more similar to Olympic preparations or a boot camp than to a nice sports lesson. So, the most useful thing I’ve learned is that you have to do things with love, otherwise they won’t make any sense. And it doesn’t matter if it’s teaching P.E., cooking, doing sports or working on your project--everything should be done with love. Why did you want to become a teacher? Well, that’s pretty obvious. Do you know any other job where you can have so much fun while working? Or where no day is like the other, so it’s impossible to get bored? Or where you can be a teacher, performer, listener, psychologist, adviser, guide, judge and more all in one day? What a dream job, don’t you think? What fictional teacher do you most respect and admire? Mrs. Johnson from the movie Dangerous Minds. Apart from the fact that the movie is so touching and the music stunning, the main character, a young teacher who starts to teach in a classroom full of undisciplined teenagers is just so inspiring. She tries to discover the real causes of their bad behaviour and when she realizes that their lives are full of violence, fear, and other problems, she tries to show them that we all have a power to change our lives if we want to. And I also truly believe in this. I won’t say any more, just in case you want to go and watch the movie. :-) What does teaching mean to you? It means the possibility to share the knowledge I have, the experiences I’ve gathered, the aspects of the Spanish language and culture I’m passionate about and the life values I believe in with my students. Moreover, for me teaching also means learning. Students and teachers are the fundamental parts of the teaching process, so we can teach and learn from one another every day. And that’s the magic of teaching.